The farm has been quite busy during the winter. Here's a look at some of the new additions to the farm just after the 2012 market season ended....
We got cattles now!!! Here's Molly and her 3 adopted calves.
Molly is not camera shy at all...or rather as it gets dark Molly always knows to hang by the fence and MOO really loud to get her new bale of hay. These photos were taken back in November of 2012 when they just arrived on our farm for 2-3 weeks. Now the calves are double the size of the ones in the photo!
Molly hanging out in her little shed.
At the end of the day, as farmer Chris muck out Molly's shed and pasture...
Molly gives him her sincere "thank you."
The cool weather sure made the chickens HAPPY! On the top, we got jumbos and XLs from our regular brown egg hens...middle 2 rows are from our specialty chickens such as Silkies and Araucanas, bottom row are our duck eggs which has been staying at a steady jumbo size.
According to BC Egg Marketing Board, eggs heavier than 70g or more are considered jumbos. Here's one of the typical jumbos from our hen house weighing in at 82g.
Then comes the monster....XX Jumbo weighing in at a whooping 145g!
And here they are the Jumbo beside the XX Jumbo.....makes the jumbo look rather small doesn't it?
Just before spring sneaked up on us...we got GOATS! Meet our new weeding team. They munch on the weirdest stuff! Blackberry vines are their absolute favourite. I think we'll just let them eat the perimeter of our property clean before rebuilding our fence.