Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Spring is Officially Here!

Spring is finally back. Even the cherry blossoms are in bloom! 
All those pretty flowers....
hopefully we'll get some share of the cherries this year. 
Hmm...what's growing in the field? 
Oregano! Yep, they've officially taken over a good section of my flower bed. I've dug some of them up and repotted about 12 smaller oregano hoping to control the size of this green monster but it was a failed attempt. The original plant grew bigger and stronger after the "resizing". 
Rhodos are in full bloom as well. 
Though they don't produce anything for the market...
they are certainly pretty to look at. 
The peonies are coming into bloom as well. In another week or so, we will have a lot of Festiva Maxima in  bloom and ready for the market.
Not only plants have been busy have the chickens! 
Soon they will need another new home. 
Otherwise, they'll need to sleep on top of one another.   
Got some interesting purple and red potatoes for the field this year. 
So far the plant looks really good. 
 Spinach...the pain in the rear end in our field. They are SUPPOSED to be really good for cooler weather area but for some reason, all other lettuces grew really nicely in our field just not spinach. Of the 300+ seeds I sowed in April, only 10 sprouted and grew to this size. Go figure.....
We've also got Pac Choi growing nice and strong. These should be table ready in another week or so. They probably can't make it to the market since slugs have been punching holes all over the leaves. 
 Other interesting colours for your salad mix....Darkness is a new plant we are trying for this year. It's got nice curly deep red leaves. It's a little slow in growing but hopefully it will be very cold tolerant and suitable for use as winter crop.  
 Brunia is also a new addition to our field. 
It's got really nice red tinted green leaves but 
the germination rate is really low. 
Hope to see some of you at our stall at the Haney Farmer's Market this year. 
If you do visit our blog, please do leave a comment.