Monday, 23 January 2012

Got the Ducks, Got the Dog, Of Course There's Got to Be Chickens!

A little late on the reporting... These cute little puffballs were acquired on Dec 1. The Duckies moved out and in moved the chickens! All 54 of them! Geez, those duckies sure took up a lot of room. First night, no chickens wanted to go upstairs. They have to be manually moved upstairs. About 2 weeks later, no chickens want to be on the first floor....they get pooped on if they are on the first floor!
 Stand and sleep. Very efficient use of space. 
 Peck, peck, peck. Everything is worth a peck or two. 
 Within 1 month time, the chickens also outgrew the brooder the duckies had passed onto them. Better get cracking on the next level up! The chickens are becoming stinkies in the house. 
Today the chickens officially moved out into their new coop. Some like it cold and stayed away from the heater...most just hogged around the heater....roast chicken anyone?
Looky here! There's room for everyone to spread their wings! Still, these chickens prefer to squeeze together to keep themselves nice and cozy. 
The up and downs of chicken vs. ducks.... Chickens make DRY poop (unless they have diarrhea) and they don't play with water. Ducks make WET poop and splash around a LOT but they don't need heating system outdoors. 

Friday, 6 January 2012

The SHEEP dog

We thought we got a sheepdog...but he was more of a SHEEP than a dog.... Favourite thing to do outdoors? Eat grass. Favourite thing to do indoors? Eat paper! And of course the training pad...
Favourite entertainment outside is run run run! Then roll in the frost! Here's the Sheltie dash! Look at the form! Such beauty!
 Yet, the sleeping pose is....not very aesthetic.
 Well, the chicken are too small right now to be herded. The ducks....a bit too big for Mozart now. So what should the doggy do? Mozart has designated himself to be the kitchen guardian! 
 Yep, guard the kitchen...all food leaving the food prep area need to be inspected and taxed!
 It's all in a days work!