After months of cold and wet weather, we are definitely ready for some sunshine. Many areas on our lot is still waterlogged but that did not stop the grow-able areas from showing some colour.
The most lush green and reds are the looseleaf salad lettuce. They are the first crop to be harvest TWICE already this season. Next comes the mizuna - a lovely lacey-leave salad green that is high in beta carotene, calcium, vitamin A and C and low in calories. With a mild peppery taste, they are good companion in any salad mixes.
Of course there are the early season cash crop of spring planting roots - daylilies, astilbes, hosta, and dahlias. New shoots are often followed with the appearance of slugs and snails. These pests can wreak havoc on a veggie patch in one night flat...not to mention the damage they make on hosta shoots! Although the water level is still high and some ground is still unworkable, corn, peas, beans, and squash seedlings are unraveling their green leaves fast. Hopefully, the good weather forecasted for the weeks to come will materialize so that the field can finally be planted.